Archies Case Study

Archies Ltd is a public listed company which is into social expressions and gifting with over 100 stores across India. They opened their online ecommerce store in the early 90’s with gross turnover of 100,000 USD per annum. In a period of 6 years, Finessse Interactive led by Deepak Thakkar was able to brush sales of 1M USD per annum.


We had gone into the minutest details of the company’s functioning and there were quite a few eye openers for the company as well as us in terms of learning new things from the ever-evolving customers. First when we launched the new site with the new technology and went LIVE, the promoters were very happy with the sudden change in the number of orders coming through. The icing on the cake was an article covered by Economic Times (One of the best-known Financial Publisher in India); wherein a simple announcement that we have a new online brand store and hiring of Finessse led by Deepak Thakkar (IT expert and ecommerce specialist) had pushed the Share Price of the company in the stock market by over 16% in 2015. (Click here to read the article online). The management was so impressed with the work, that within a year of working with us, they appointed Deepak Thakkar, our co-founder and CEO to the position of Non-Executive Director on their board.


Services Offered

Getting into the details of what we did for them;

  • Website Design and Development
  • Search Engine Optimization & Search Engine Marketing
  • Social Media Management & Marketing
  • Programmatic ad buying
  • Affiliate Marketing

These are the areas where our CEO’s experience since 2000 came in handy and we were able to GTM in a short span and change all the marketing activities. We did all kinds of A/ B testing to get the maximum reach and conversion. We were able to get lot of answers around:

Which festival/ event should fetch maximum sales for Archies?

When we started, the company was known as the brand which brought Valentine’s Day to India. But we got them better sales for Rakshabandhan (Brother-Sister festival in India). Simple factor which we highlighted was ‘Valentine’s Day gifts are exchanged more face to face, an ecommerce store will definitely do better where the Brother and Sister are living in different cities and it’s a custom to send Rakshanbandhan gifts to each other’. We even took them overseas for this particular event and tied up with International sellers for the delivery. This was the first trend breaker for the company.

Secondly after 3 years of rigorous work on the SEO helped us rank better than another ecommerce store from India which did at least 15X sales as compared to Archies. However, being a veteran from the Industry, DT did get a call from the competitor who congratulated him on the work done.

How did we retain Customers? Repeat Orders

Every time spending money across platforms to get more customers is not really the Mantra for a good ecommerce store. The ecommerce company only makes money with Repeat Customers/ Orders? To break this trend, we simply started recording each and every gifting which was being done and associate it with the event for which it was bought, e.g. Birthdays and Anniversaries? Now simple procedure of sending reminders started bringing in repeat customers and that’s how you make money!

How did we increase Conversion?

CRO is much difficult to achieve than talk about. Integration of tools and then doing testing with crucial elements to study the trend is the way to go. Your CTA button should be of which colour, you should be using simple native design for your Mobile or make significant changes to make it function like a Mobile App on the responsive design.

How did we increase the ATV?

Upsell and Cross sell have evolved with time and tools. How do you map which products to go under Add Ons and increase your ATV. How do you add Tags for products to come under Products which might be of interest to you or People who Bought this also bought? The sorting is also very crucial, whether you want to use AI/ ML to sequence the products, or we want to define to sell what we want to sell? With which products, you tag which Add Ons is another crucial element.

Where did we Advertise?

Everybody in the industry knows where to spend money on Digital Advertising, you go to Google, Social Media, e.g. Facebook, Tik Tok (It was not always banned in India), (Instagram was yet to become what it is today), etc. Critical thing is to be present on all platforms with reasonable budgets and then keep optimizing the campaigns but be present on all platforms. Besides this, it also makes a lot of sense for the ecommerce industry to spend decent part of their budget on the affiliate marketing as it helps them widen their reach, boosts traffic, helps sale during peak time, catering to specific niche.

Study your Audience – Data Analysis

Now comes the most important part of the digital marketing, every client wants to track every penny as Digital gives you the advantage of tracking and we can track. However, making sense of all the data available with you and then creating tiniest of groups to send personalized messages is the way to go!

At the end we would say, looking at the problem from the company’s standpoint is small fraction of the problem. Try getting into your customer’s psyche and create solution, you are guaranteed to make Success, what problems are you solving for them.